Written for SATB divisi choir.
Whenever this anthem is sung, there should be an English translation. While appropriate throughout the year, this anthem is particularly appropriate during Lent because it talks about the crucifixion and passion of Christ.
This work was inspired by the beautiful rendition of Eric Barnum’s “Adoramus Te, Christe,” performed by Steve Harter and his First United Methodist Church of Colorado Springs, CO youth chorale. In fact, I was so impressed with their rendition that I decided to write, first, an anthem based on “The Lord’s Prayer.” And then, later, I decided to write an anthem myself, using the same basic text of “Adoramus Te, Christe.”
Barnum’s work introduced me to a new style of choral writing which includes very, very close harmony. For instance, in his “Adoramus Te, Christe,” in one instance the notes being sung are B, A, G#, F#, E, D#, G#, and C#. Only the most talented of choral groups can sing such!
Listen to a soulless, computer generated, MIDI recording of this piece: