Written for organ and SATB choir.

I have long loved both the words and the music to the hymn, “How Firm a Foundation. ” Recently, I have become quite impressed with the thought of the Franciscan, Richard Rohr, and his emphasis – along with that of the Apostle Paul and the author of The Gospel according to John — that the Word of God has existed since the beginning of time.

In light of these, I decided to write an anthem. It has a jazzy swing followed by congregational participation in the familiar hymn. Much of the number emphasizes that, although the Word became flesh in Jesus Christ, the Word of God was with us from the beginning of creation. Part of the reason for writing the anthem was to emphasize that God’s Word is much more than “a group of books,” — that is, the Bible. God’s Word has always been and still is a living Word. That is, God is still speaking! The God who was seen most clearly in Jesus may also be seen, witnessed, met in nature, in others, etc.

Except for the words of the hymn itself (at the end), all of the words in the anthem are mine. Although I used the familiar hymn tune at the end, the harmonization of the original tune is mine.

Listen to a soulless, computer generated, MIDI recording of this piece: