Written as a vocal hymn with piano or organ accompaniment.
About the turn of the century my brother Steve wrote a marvelous hymn. I was so moved by it, that I added a verse, trying to tie the hymn to a scripture passage normally read in advent.
It is clear to all, from even a cursory reading, that the better poet is Steve. He is EXTREMELY gifted with words. I usually run all of my lyrics (verses) by him — and he improves them!
The created the tune particularly for the hymn and The General Board of Discipleship of our denomination published both words and music. Here was the URL at the time:
Although the hymn can be sung to my tune, it can also be sung to Natalie Sleeth’s hymn tune, “Promise,” or to “Beach Spring,” or to “Hyfrydol,” the familiar tune for “Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus.”