Blow Ye the Trumpet, Blow!

Written for piano or organ, SATB choir, and B Flat Trumpet. This anthem is based on Charles Wesley’s wonderful hymn but set to my own tune. It is based on the Year of Jubilee as celebrated by the Hebrews and referred to in Chapters 25 and 27 of Leviticus and Read more…

Quaint December Tunes

Written for piano. This piano medley is a more compact version of some of the other Advent or Christmas tunes. This includes brief harmonizations of the “Wexford Carol,” ”Jesous Ahatonhi,” ” Divinum Mysterium,” “In the Darkened Days of Winter,” and “How Can This Be?”


Written for piano. This piano medley is a combination of the Converse tune for the hymn, “What a Friend We Have in Jesus,” and the Sweet Hour tune for the hymn, “Sweet Hour of Prayer.” I wrote this in memory of my imperfect, racist, yet loving grandfather. As soon as Read more…