Away in a Manger

Piano Solo performed by Christina Robertson Away in a Manger [Written as an organ, piano, or violin number with piano accompaniment, this selection is appropriate as a prelude or offertory.] (Lyrics, Anon.; Luke 2:7; tune by James R. Murray, 1887; tune arranged by Ivan Burnett, Jr.)

Quaint December Tunes

Written for piano. This piano medley is a more compact version of some of the other Advent or Christmas tunes. This includes brief harmonizations of the “Wexford Carol,” ”Jesous Ahatonhi,” ” Divinum Mysterium,” “In the Darkened Days of Winter,” and “How Can This Be?”

Christmas Medley

Written for piano. This piano medley includes tunes to four familiar carols: “Away in a Manger” (Away in a Manger); “Hark! the Herald Angels Sing” (Mendelssohn); “O Come, All Ye Faithful” (Adeste Fideles); and “Joy to the World” (Antioch). Listen to a soulless, computer generated, MIDI recording of this piece: